Your Guide To Fabulous
Regardless of who you are, what you like, or who you love ... there is only one place in San Diego that is as vibrant and colorful, or which celebrates diversity and inclusion as much as Fabulous San Diego.
Discover a place where you can be you.
San Diego is finally back open! Pick up our Guide to Fabulous at a concierge desk near you and then rediscover your old favorites, start exploring new experiences, and make the most of every moment.
Start creating your new Fabulous San Diego story — and when you use our hashtag (#VisitFabulousSanDiego), we'll share it with the world, making you Insta-Famous, and Insta-Fabulous!
Upcoming Events
Like our summers — Pride never ends in Fabulous San Diego. We invite you to discover new, fun & exciting local things to do — today, tomorrow, and beyond!

Pride Mixer Returns!
Mix and mingle during a COVID-safe & festive happy hour with a diverse group of LGBTQ+ and allied business professionals and other organizations at the fourth Annual Pride In Business Mixer! Tickets at!

Pride Car Caravan
Ride OUT for Equality! Celebrate Pride weekend by cruising through the Hillcrest gayborhood in your very own pimped-out Pride Mobile! The Equality Business Alliance is sponsoring a CASH PRIZE for the best decorated vehicles!
#OpeningUpTogetherForEquality #OUTforEquality
LGBTQ+ Chamber of Commerce & Tourism